
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Here is a gift I made for the husband on his birthday last month.  I think this would also be a very thoughtful and sweet gift this Valentine season for your loved one to remind them how much you love him/her.  This one now sits on his night stand.  Want to make one?  Scroll down and I'll teach you how!
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

We will be needing the following:
1.  A deck of cards
2.  Sticker paper and cardboard
3.  Puncher
4.  Rings (You can use binder rings or even key chain rings.)
5.  Scissors
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Let's go ahead and get started!  First step, get your deck of cards.  I bought this plastic one for only 25php at your suking street vendor.  You can also get this at Japan Home, I saw they have the jumbo ones!  I wish I got a hold of that before I made this project, that would be so much cooler.  Decide whether you want your cards landscape (width > height) or portrait (height > width).  I  wanted to make mine landscape so I would be punching holes on the longer side of the cards.  Eye ball were you want the holes to be then punch away!
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

After you are done punching the holes, you can now attach the rings.  Next step, we will make the stand.
Place your card over a piece of cardboard and mark the cardboard.  Measure and mark the width and height of the card three times.
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Cut your cardboard and fold.  Here is the stand I made.   Just fold to create two flaps the same size as you deck of cards then fold the remainder like a "M or W" and glue it against the one of the flaps.  I covered it with red felt paper to make it more pretty.
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Now onto the tedious part of the project (he! he!  This truly is a labor of love).  Think of 52 reasons why you love your husband or boyfriend or even your parents.  Write them down then go to your computer and type your reasons on a word document, layout, then print on your sticker paper.  If you want the template I used for this project, like my Facebook page and hit me a message, I will send it to you :)
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Now it's time to place those stickers on your card.  Just peel off the backing and stick it, you know the drill.  Make sure to center your design.
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)
This is how your deck of cards should look like after!  I placed those two heart trinkets from an old costume bracelet I had way back.  You can add ribbons or sequins to make your deck of cards more beautiful.
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Now, hand it to your loved one and surprise them with this simple but super thoughtful gift this Valentine's.
Reasons Why I Love You Deck of Cards (With Stand!)

Have fun doing this DIY guys!
Made one?  Send me a link, I want to see your version :)

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  1. Wow! This is a great idea. I made my then boyfriend now husband a "101 reasons why I love you" for our anniversary way back but I only wrote it on pieces of paper. Not that creative, I know! :D

    1. thanks ces! it's the thought that counts. what matters is you made him happy :)

  2. Galing! You're really really awesome at crafts, but I keep saying that! :D It's the perfect gift.

  3. this is too cute for words! you really have gift for arts :) i totally agree with maita :)

  4. Been going around your site and I'm already in love with it, especially your crafts!! You've got easy tutorials and creative mind there! Havent thought of this!!!! :)

    1. thanks camille :) i truly appreciate your kind words :)

  5. This is a great idea! Maybe something I will do in the future


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