
Secret Hollow Book

Time for another DIY!
We're creating a hidden storage by hollowing out a book.  Yes, a real book.
I've seen hollow book storage from Wilcon before, but it's too expensive, 694 php?!  Definitely no!  Even though the book was much larger than the one I made, still, for 20 php a book, glue for 35 php, and some felt paper for 20 php, why spend almost 700 buckaroos when you can make one for less than a hundred. 
Secret Hollow Book
Oh, and have I mentioned that it's more fun to make one plus this one easily blends into your bookshelf because it's a real book, not like those ready made ones that are too obvious.

What to make one?  Here's what you will need:
1.  A sharp cutter plus some extra blades :)
2.  Glue
3.  Hard cover books.  You can go to Book Sale for this one.  There are books ranging from 10 php to 200 php, just fine one that's not too thick and not too thin.  Thin books are not ideal for this project as it will only leave you with only a small space inside.  Look for books about 1 inch to 2 1/2 inches thick.

Oh, I forgot, you will also need a plastic folder, a metal ruler, a pencil, and felt paper or wrapping paper (optional).
Secret Hollow Book
Let's start!  Remove the front cover of your chosen book.  Remember that you must choose hardcover or hardbound books.  This will hold better and add extra support.
Secret Hollow Book
Next, open your book.  Leave a few pages, about five or seven is ideal, so that when someone accidentally opens your hidden storage, they will think it is an actual book, of course unless they inspect the book further, so get books with topics or titles that are less interesting and not catchy!  I got this one, a book about golf.  There's nobody in my circle I know is interested in golf.  Choose your books wisely.
Secret Hollow Book
For this step, you will need wax paper, plastic folder, or even plastic bag.  Sandwich that between the last leaf you will leave intact and the first leaf where you will begin to cut and then close the book and place glue on the sides of the book.  Cover the sides evenly using your fingers or a brush.
Secret Hollow Book
Place a heavy object on top of your book and wait for the glue to dry.  This process will make the cutting of the pages easier later.
Secret Hollow Book
Once dry, open your book up and start cutting!  Draw about a half or so inch border around the edge on all four sides of the page then use your cutter to remove the insides of the book.  Cut slowly and carefully.  Make sure to cut straight down and not at an angle and apply bit of pressure.  This takes time to get used to.  Practice makes perfect.  Clean up the pieces of paper inside.  You can save them for another project like this one ← click me!
Secret Hollow Book
Once done with all the cutting, you can now glue the edges and leave it as is or to make the look cleaner and hide those imperfect cuts you made, you can use felt paper or wrapping paper or even scrap fabric to cover it.  Just cut paper to size, glue it onto your book, and wait for it to dry :)
Secret Hollow Book
Store yous money, keys, jewelry, even a gun (if you have one) ;)
We made lots of these this Christmas, just placed our gifts inside and placed a ribbon.
A great way to wrap gifts plus the recipient can use it as storage.
Secret Hollow Book
Have fun darlings!
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  1. That's really cool. I haven't really tried doing that but since we have a lot of books here at home, I might as well. Should a thief break in, he will probably skip the bookshelf due to the amount of books he has to go through. :D

  2. This is really cool! I have quite a few hardbound books just gathering dust in the cabinet, might as well make one or two of these. And yes, they'd make great gift boxes too! ^_^

  3. This is so cool and I've seen this kind of storage before. Sadly I gave my books already.

    1. aw sayang! should you decide to make one, i suggest going to book sales, super mura ng books ;)

  4. Ang galing nito! I switched to digital books kasi they don't take too much space and I think more eco-friendly? Anyway, great idea. I hope hindi ito mapasama sa mga pinterest fails ko. I'm not good with arts and crafts.

    1. salamat rae! tama, space saver talaga ang digital books :)

  5. Wow, this sounds cool! The first time I saw this idea, it was in an erotic film. This lady back in Victorian age pa ata was reading an erotica and she hid it inside a seemingly wholesome book. Nakakatuwa lang hihi.

  6. You're are so crafty. I've been wanting to try this but I know it would take a lot of time for me to cut the pages straight. Thanks for the demo.


  7. I love this idea, Nathalie. It often breaks my heart to cut a book up, but I guess one cheaply purchased at Booksale wouldn't be so heart breaking. I should really try doing this when I move in to my house.


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