
Summer Denim Shorts

Good day my dear readers!  Because it's summer already, it's definitely time to wear something comfy and fashionable at the same time.  Shorts are a must have for summer.  It's the perfect piece to wear to show off those legs.  I love wearing shorts, especially denim, because they are very versatile.  You can wear them with bikinis and flip flops or just a plain white tee and your favorite wedges.  I made three cut-offs today that you can easily recreate using an old pair of jeans.
Summer Denim Shorts

First, gather your materials:
1.  An old pair of jeans
2.  Sandpaper
3.  Sharp scissors
4.  Needle and thread
Summer Denim Shorts

Let's start!  Get an old pair of jeans.  For me, the more worn it looks, the better.  It gives the jeans more character in my opinion.  I have this old pair of straight cut jeans that I don't wear because (1) I only wear skinnies now and (2)  it's not in trend anymore.
Summer Denim Shorts

Next step is to try your jeans on and see if it still fits.  Decide on the length of the cut-offs you want.  I usually mark my jeans a bit longer at first then cut it more if I wanted it shorter.  It's better to cut it longer than make the mistake of cutting it too short then wasting it.
Summer Denim Shorts

Next, fold your jeans so that it would align the inner seams, the ones in the crotch area.  Make sure that you fold it properly.   Folding your jeans this way would make your shorts more even rather than cutting it straight across.
Summer Denim Shorts

Next step, get a sharp pair of scissors then cut where you made the line.  My shorts were a bit longer about 3 to 4 inches longer than what I would want.  This gives some allowance to what I want the ends to look like later.
Summer Denim Shorts

Next,  it's time to get creative and "decorate" your jeans.  I have got three options for you today so scroll down and let's get started.
Summer Denim Shorts

First, are the cuffed or folded version.  This is the reason why I told you to cut your shorts a bit longer than desired.
Summer Denim Shorts

What you will do is just fold both legs of the shorts twice to hide the edges.  Make sure that both legs are even.  Then, get your needle and thread and secure the folds with a cross stitch at the both the outer seam and inner seam of the jeans.
Summer Denim Shorts

The next option I have for you is the scalloped shorts.  I love this version because it's a bit girly and flirty.
Summer Denim Shorts

You will need a piece of paper or a cardboard to cut your pattern.  Just cut some shallow "3s."  It does not have to be perfect.  Just to your best to make it even :)
Summer Denim Shorts

Next, place your pattern an inch or so above the edges of your shorts.  You can use crayon or marker or even soap to mark your shorts.  To make sure you will not leave stains on your shorts with the marker, you're best bet is to turn your jeans inside out and make your mark on the wrong side of the fabric.  Cut your scalloped design.
Summer Denim Shorts

Once done, get your needle and thread and start stitching your scallops.  This would prevent your jeans from fraying.  I suggest you use the same or similar color of thread used on the stitching of the jeans to make it blend, but you can use other colors if you want the scallops to stand out :)
Summer Denim Shorts

My last option for you is my favorite one.  This pair I got way back 2002.  They were my favorite pair at that time so they look really, really worn.Summer Denim Shorts

Cut your jeans as above but this time, cut them to the exact length you want, no allowances needed.  WE want these jeans to have super distressed and frayed look so get your sandpaper and start rubbing it on your jeans.  Rub it on the pocket seams.  I also suggest you wear the shorts and then sit down.  Rub the sandpaper on the creases made by sitting down.  This would give your jeans a more natural worn out look.
Summer Denim Shorts

Once satisfied with it, you can now cut some slits on your shorts.  This would give a little more character to your cut-offs.  Once done, throw your shorts in the washer and give it a spin or two or three until you achieved the desired distressed look :)
Summer Denim Shorts

You are now done! All you have to do is wear them to show off those beautiful and toned gams :)
Hope you enjoyed our DIY for today.
Summer Denim Shorts

Did you have fun doing this project?  Which one is your favorite?  I would love to know!
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  1. I like the distressed denims best! Gotta look for an old pair of jeans that still fit. Good luck to me! Lol.

    1. hahaha! that was hardest part for me dear. you're not alone :)))

  2. i love the distressed jeans to girlfriend :) ..i'll do one din pro syempre ndi girly girly style lol

    1. hahaha! :) thanks for stopping by friend :) looking forward to more posts from your blog!

  3. i love the scallops (but it would take me days to finish stitching them by hand) and like the ragged effect of the distressed jeans (my sister and I used to cut our jeans to turn them into shorts or skirt) nice :)

    1. true.patience is key.hehehe!

    2. correct, patience :)
      oh I nominated you for the Sunshine Blogger Award http://thecertifiedlatebloomer.blogspot.com/2014/04/sunshine-blogger-award.html

  4. great idea!!!


  5. Ang cutee sis!! I like the scallop shorts.

  6. my obsession I love shorts and the denim ones are the best ones. totally in love


  7. great idea want to try to do the same
    thank for this post


  8. Cutting off old jeans is the oldest trick in the book, but you still manage to something creative with them. Awesome you, Angel!

  9. Such a good idea hun! Love this DIY!!

  10. Great trick dear :)

  11. Such a cool DIY! Now you've got me ready for summer- I love a good pair of denim cut-offs!


  12. wow you are so creative!
    I like your handmade!
    Nice blog!
    would you like to follow each other to keep in touch?
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  13. I'm following you back via g+
    keep in touch ^^

    1. yay! thanks :) will definitely keep in touch ;)

  14. Great job! Well done the result is great!

  15. Good job, love them all especially the last one!

    See you xx

  16. I love all of them! They're great!
    I used to cut my old jeans in the past and with the remainings I made other things like bags!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  17. Love them all! Lucy www.tpinkcarpet.com

  18. I love the scalloped pair! I

    x Francesca, primpandpaper.com

  19. Oh my! this is the coolest diy i ever seen!


  20. Wow, how awesome that you made them yourself:).. they're all cute and yessss for summer.


  21. Wish you a great Friday while waiting for your next post!

  22. Great denim shorts ! Nice DIY and beautiful result :)

  23. I'm not really good at this type of project. I have some old jeans that are too big for me, it might be a great occasion to wear them again, but I'm so busy right now. >.<

    1. aww! you should try them some time. so easy to make ;)

  24. It’s hard not to notice the bee case and that might a bit of a problem sometimes. It’s a bit big to carry around, no pockets can take it! But it’s so adorable that it’s worth the trouble.
    Loved you tutorial and scalloped shorts are my favourite ones. You did a very nice job and teach so well. I think I might have a pair of jeans that I can play with…
    Thank for the tips and for visiting my blog.
    Take care!


  25. These ideas are so cute! I'm normally really lazy, but just seeing how easy it was for you to do these, I might want to try some! Unfortunately, I've already donated all of my old jeans that I don't wear anymore, so I'll try to pick some up at my local thrift store.

    How do the scalloped shorts look worn?

    1. i donated some of my jeans too! good thing i kept some that still fits me :) i've already washed those scalloped shorts in that picture. very minimal if visible frays :)

  26. I absolutely love your idea. It looks wonderful!
    xxx Tina

  27. What a wonderful idea! And I absolutely love the one with the scalloped edges, it looks so cute! :)


  28. this seems so fun to do! my favorite is the 2nd one its so cute!

  29. You just gave me wonderful ideas on what I'm gonna do with my jeans that I'm not wearing anymore! Thanks a bunch! :D All 3 are cute but I like the last one best :)

    1. yay! you're welcome sis :) the last one's my favorite too :)

  30. it worked great. xo


  31. wow, your ideas are great, I'll try to do something like 2nd shorts, they're so cute!

    Have an amazing Monday!

  32. ohhh this is a really nice idea!!,.. It's perfect for summer!!
    The 2nd pair is adorable too!

  33. Thanks for the ideas. I love that scalloped version!!! I converted a couple of pairs of jeans into shorts, but I simply cut them off and that was it. It looked all right…

  34. galing nung scallop shorts :) did you handsew or machine stitch it?

  35. I've done the folded one from my capri pants and I'd love to do this again but some of my jeans don't fit me anymore.

  36. Oh very gorgeous tutorial~


  37. WHAT a fun idea!! not even really a scallop girl (lol. i actually love scallops) but this is so cute + diy perfect !!

    xoxo hobovogue ღ

  38. Waaah! I love the scalloped shorts! I will definitely copy it :D. At first I thought you used an electric sewing machine to secure the edge. Glad to know that it's hand-sewn. Thanks for the idea.

    1. yup, hand sewn, tyaga lang :) you're welcome dear!

  39. Hi sis! I remember my mother used to do this trick to my old jeans :) have a nice day!

    The Budget Fashion Seeker

  40. summer lovin! you strike again diy diva! :)

  41. Angel it looks like you worked so hard on this post! I love all the variations, everything looks just gorgeous!


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