
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

Since I have work today, we celebrated Valentine's Day in advance last Sunday at the farm.  Nothing fancy, nothing expensive, but it was loads of fun not to mention inexpensive.
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

We had a romantic picnic lunch at the small cabana my husband made.  It was sunny that day, so it was a perfect day for picnics. 
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

I thought it was a nice idea for us to have lunch at the cabana.  I cleaned it up, spread the blanket, and placed some flowers and our picnic basket.  It was so cozy, laid back, and spontaneous.
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

I went ahead and picked some flowers at my mom's garden.  No roses in sight, so I got some double-petaled hibiscus instead.  They look like large roses.
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

The husband was in charge of the food.  He grilled some liempo.  It was delicious!
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

I packed the picnic basket before hand with glasses, plates, utensils, and drinks.  If we forgot something we need, we just run back to my mom's house (which was so conveniently near) and get it (hehehe!).

Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

Once food was cooked, we picked some calamansi at the garden for the liempo.  I then set the table.  Lunch was good.  It was simple.  We had steamed rice and liempo.  We did not even bother to use the spoons and forks I brought.  We ate with our bare hands.  Not so sosyal, I know! Hahaha!  I would not recommend doing that on a first date :)
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

It was fun.  With a little effort, it was a great experience.  We enjoyed each others company and even brought the two dogs along and played with them after lunch.
Cheap and Fun Valentine's Day Celebration

Celebrating Valentine's Day does not have to be expensive or over the top.  What matters most is you get to spend it with the one you love.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Have a good one!
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  1. simpel yet sweet and cozy! Happy Valentine's Day :)

  2. I love your blog <3
    Would you like us to follow each other ?
    if yes, just follow me and let me know so i can follow you back :]


    1. thanks shauna! followed you already :)

    2. Thank you I was just wondering where is your follow button on your page <3


    3. tab on the left side ;) thanks!

  3. Hi!

    I'm still in the process of revamping some of my tabs. I'll put the link back as soon as I can. Thanks :)


  4. I will take a simple date of liempo and rice any day than fine dining. :D

  5. This such a great idea, I love it!!


  6. I followed you back <3 love your blog



  7. Liempo and love forever and ever :) It's always the simple things that matter :)


  8. It takes effort but it's more lovely.


leave a comment below and let me know what you think. please put your blog link so i can visit your blog :) thank you!

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