
Reindeer Chihuahuas

I was thinking about a cute costume for my two babies this Christmas.  I want something unique and of course affordable.  You all know by now I'm allergic to buying expensive things, right? As we were doing our Christmas decor shopping for this year, I found the perfect material for my DIY! The only problem I got in my mind is how will I put this on them, but I bought it anyway. (For only 15 pesos each!)  Why not?  I know I can make this DIY work but of course with the help of my mom.  She's the expert when it comes to sewing and stuff ;)  I do not know how to crochet, but she can, so I asked her to help.
If you do not know how to crochet, by all means use fabric, specifically felt for this project if you do not want the edges of the headband to fray.
Let me show you my models first before we get started so you can get inspired!
Reindeer Chihuahuas
For this project, you will need the following:
1.  Cardboard
2.  Scissors
3.  Glue gun + glue stick
4.  Knife
5.  Reindeer ornament
6.  Crochet thread + hook and of course, crochet skills (As I said, you can also use felt fabric and nylon cord or ribbon for the strings instead.  I just happened to have brown crochet thread available so I used that.)
Reindeer Chihuahuas
First up, let's chop off the antlers of this poor little reindeer ;)  This ornament was perfect because each reindeer ornament has two halves so I got two antlers per reindeer.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Now, we have two sets of antlers.  Do not throw that reindeer away.  If you cut carefully, you can still use those for your Christmas tree.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Now, get your headbands!  Sorry if I can't give you instructions on how to make this, I'm not an expert in crochet, but if you decide to make this DIY, you can use definitely use fabric.  Just cut a piece that would fit your dog's head then glue two strings of ribbon/cord on each end.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Cut the exact shape of the headband on a cardboard.  This would be placed on the back side of the headband to give it more shape.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Glue the cardboard under the headband.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Get your antler and glue it onto the cardboard.  You can place a small piece of cardboard over the glued area to make the back side cleaner and glued area not so obvious.
Reindeer Chihuahuas
This is what the headband should look like and you are done!
Reindeer Chihuahuas
I made two because I have two little reindeers :)
Reindeer Chihuahuas
Here they are again wearing the headbands.  (Please excuse my girl model.  She's begging for cuddles and does not want to sit up straight for this photo shoot.)Reindeer Chihuahuas
Enjoy making this for your fur babies.
Merry Christmas from my two little reindeers!
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